i know you read this thing.
it’s been a few months since i sat down to make sense of this feeling. the EP is out, and it felt very pointed - exactly in the way i wanted it to be. i’m so proud of those songs, and frankly needed to make them to get into this new phase. i wrote a lot about feeling like i was at the nexus of some sort of creative enlightenment last summer. and i now know that i was. everything has shifted for me mentally and spiritually, and i needed to use this last EP to let out the remnants of past resentment.
and i really feel i’m past it now. soaring past it, even. when everything in this world seems to continue to fucking crumble, it couldn’t be more clear that i was focused on all the wrong things - whether by my own machinations or influence from the people i kept around me. maybe their machinations, but i love to lean into the nuance! and refuse to paint things as good or bad these days. it all just… is.
and so it will be! and that’s the “wave” i’ve been on the last few months. that’s what i’m ready and interested in exploring further. that’s what’s keeping me from complete and total despair.
i recently hired on a couple new team members, and my label .wavcave is back for releases and popups and community. i wilt, i return to roots, i hope to grow again.
lately, i’ve been taking particular note of the times i see an artist i admire doing things online that i just know deep in my spirit they feel they need to do. it doesn’t feel intentional. it doesn’t feel thoughtful. and maybe worst of all? it isn’t even fucking working. so i take note of that. why does this seem like such a reach? what do i think their goal was? why didn’t they achieve it? how could they have done it differently?
i go back and forth between wishing i could remove myself completely from the systems in place that artists feel they need to participate in to be able to make a living doing the thing they love so deeply, and giving in to the social media checklist. lately, i have been trying to take the time to think about it further. maybe there is an alternative? you can still use the internet as a tool, but you need to get more creative about how you use it. everything should feel part of the art. the memes and templates will not leave a lasting impression in someone’s heart or mind. how do you use your access to people’s attention in a way that not only feels genuine and true, but works to excite and inspire?
i keep joking i should be getting paid for creative consultations. i think i’ll use myself as a case study.
excited for what’s to come.