these things can get heavy
weighing you down
and in the colder months,
your shoulders tense and neck stiff
all that force exerting on you
the pressure to stay exactly as you are
for fear the slightest move might provoke an avalanche
clarity is hard to come by
but somehow, in my search for it, i’ve discovered some of its favorite hang outs
it roams around cold city streets, posting up by small coffee shops, swirling in the glossy foam of a cortado
sometimes you can find it right after the sun sets in droplets of water on a window
the same drops that seem to flip the world around you upside-down
i have found it buried in books about the red sands of mars and loneliness
and i’ve bumped into it in the glowing haze of a good cup of wine
i was excited about the move because i knew it would stoke more movement
like water rippling, the digital shard wave i saw years ago as the world spun around me
a moment of clarity!, but understandably brief
and so now as i casually pass by clarity with each taking of the air,
our meetings feel substantial, our interactions feel less like a dream state
and i am so thankful
because i know we will lose touch again one day
but for now, we are closer than ever